We have ignored orders for a few days (always nice to lazy about on a Sunday in the safe knowledge that only the stupidest people would expect orders to go out on a Bank Holiday.
Now we have to spend the day making and doing...I have seen an upturn in DeliPots orders and a few new customers ordering my MiniPots Taster Variety Packs...so I have about a squillion tiny pots of goodness to make...
I had a call the other day about the fragrances on the website - not the first time it's happened but it has made me think about the layout of the website...the lady in question was unable to find the descriptions of the Cocktail fragrances - on each page there is a little image of a cocktail (or a flower or an icon for the fragrance) click them leads to a popup opening with a list of all the fragrances and descriptions - it seems it's not too obvious that the images are clickable so I will need to sort that out soon...
Anyway...on the front page is a link to a page with all the fragrances so if you are interested in buying any of our yummy products here is that link...
Have a good Bank Holiday everyone :)
How are spending your Bank Holiday :)
Soap Packaging
Firstly, congratulations to Coralee Crafts http://caroleecrafts.blogspot.com/m/ who won our 'Find the most expensive Body Butter Bar' competition.
Caroline found this one which weighs just 57g and is sold on Buy Outside The Box for a whopping £17.50...
Ok, it does come with a little Tin, but I still don't think it's good value for money...
I've been spending a lot of time looking at packaging this week for a new project I'm working on...a friend of mine often says that "packaging is a soaper's worst nightmare" and it's true, it often takes longer to decide on how to package your soaps than it does to decide on the look of your soap - I'm guessing that's why the big boys of the soap world employ branding experts to do it for them....
Here's some I found, and liked.....
This one is simple, bright and there is a uniformity about the colours and the look of the packaging...very pretty and eye catching, I thought...
I'd see their target market as middle income wives and mothers, perhaps...
This one is a very bright and colourful idea with a colour theme and logo for each fragrance of soap...personally I find it a bit confusing to the eye, but I am sure it can look really effective on a shop shelf, with rows of each kind of soap all lined up in bands of colour...at least you wouldn't miss them :)
The one on the right, was one of the simplest, and most effective ones that I found...I love the little pictures that not only decorate but tell you a little about the scent or ingredients in the soaps - very cute...
This one was one of my favourites...so, so simple, conveys so much about the soap inside - my perception is that it's natural, unfussy, basic, possibly organic...it's a soap that you almost don't have to see to decide whether it's for you - which is what the packaging should convey...
And, lastly...the funniest one - I thought this was very, very clever...what a lovely idea for a hotel or guest house - I just hope the guests aren't upset at being accused of thieving soaps - I'm sure we've all done it though!
These are just a few of the (quite litterally) thousands of packaging designs I looked at...I copy the pics into a folder on my computer to create a kind of mood board so I can gain some inspiration for my new line....sometimes it works, other times I just can't decide :)
Sorry I haven't been about....the week seems to have floooown by...
So...I have just been clearing out my junk mail folder...and, according to the emails I received today...
I won 1,000,000 Dollars (US) on a Jamaican Lottery and all I need to do is send them my bank details and £100 to claim my prize....
I have been befriended by a young woman in Russia who would love to chat with me...AND a depressed Mexican woman who has been left destitute and is apealing to me because she knows me to be a good Christian man who will help her in her plight and send her enough money to meet the rent and feed her children...AND a kindly Nigerian Banker who needs my assistance in getting £20,000,000 from a bank account there...if he can use my Bank account and my name he'll gladly share the money with me...
I also need to log into my Santander Bank Account, in order to confirm my log in details and HSBC also would like me to click on a link they sent me because they will have to shut down my account because of suspected unauthorised use...
I need to love my girlfriend the right way....and she'll be mine forever - I'm pre-approved to order direct...my rod isn't hard enough ...and I don't have enough to give her
and Abbey National have suspended my account...
I'm a nervous wreck after all that....but I'm blinking loaded and at least my accounts have been secured, what with me clicking that email link and providing my log in details....phew!
Have a good Saturday Night....
Jude xox
Craft Forum
Good Morning,
I should, really, be working...but am trying to catch up with some writing and organisation before I crack on...
So just a quickie to say I have set up a forum for Crafters, so please, do come and have a look...
I have been a bit disappointed with other forums I have joined...not because of members, I hasten to add...they are always a delightfully friendly and welcoming group...but sometimes, those who run forums have their own hidden (or not so hidden) agendas...whether it's making money from advertising...or advertising their own services or sites...or sometimes even more sinister motives...
So, ths forum will be a friendly and safe place to chat about your crafts and arts...I do hope you'll take a look and join...
Jude xox
It's been a funny couple of weeks...with the snow and limited delivery and collections! Makes you kind of complacent about getting orders done, when you know they aren't going anywhere....anyway, we are all caught up now, so anyone expecting an order should receive it soon:)
I can't believe how quickly last year went - and such an eventful one...hopefully all that hard work will pay off, if not this year then next...
On the product front, if you haven't seen the new site, please do visit - I was checking out Body Butter Bars on other sites this morning and was quite amazed at the prices of some of them:
This one is LUSH'S King of Skin and weighs about 138g at a whopping £6.80 - now I'm not saying that LUSH aren't fantastic at what they do and their products are gorgeous but compare it to DeliPots Body Butter Bar, which weighs almost 200g and is £6.50:
The ingredients of the two are almost exactly the same - main ingredients are Cocoa Butter and Jojoba Oil...lovely skin-softening goodness...
OK - how about a competition....Find the most expensive solid body butter bar you can and there is a DeliPots Body Butter Bar in it for the person who finds the most extravagantly expensive...here are the 'rules':
1. Bar must have Cocoa Butter and Jojoba Oils as the main ingredients
2. Must have a product page with weight and price on the internet - no pics uploaded from your PC of a bar you found in your local posh shop :)
3. You must be a DeliPots Blog follower
4. I'll send your prize anywhere in the world....
Get searching and I will close the Competition on Sunday 24th January 2010 :)
This is my very first blog ever so I'm thinking I ought to get it right :)
Well, we've had a really busy couple of months here at DeliPots and Bath-Bomb.com - despite the recession our sales increased by 50%, which was a surprise but most welcome, as my OH gave up his job at the begining of Novemeber - they were restructuring and it looks like he was going to get the nasty end of the stick, in terms of his hours being cut back. So, we made a business decision that he might be more use packing kits for http://www.bath-bomb.com/ than checking out books in the college library! To be honest he's massively over qualified for either job, but I think it sits easier for him to be using his big ol' brain for the benefit of our future, rather than a pittance of a wage.
On the website front, I've managed to (finally) finish http://www.delipots.com/ and have uploaded the lovely (and hopefully easier to use) website, this week - still some teething problems, but it appears to be working fine.We've discontinued a few products - if there is something you wanted but don't see, just let us know. But we've added a few new ones:
These are our new little Cocoa Butter Truffles - which are perfect for a couple of baths - just drop them in the bath, lay back and relax..mmmmm.
They are available in all our gorgeous Essential Oil blends - Be Sensual, Relaxing Rose and Yalng-Ylang; Be Free, fabulous Lavender & Patchouli as well as all the others....
Definitely worth a look at www.delipots.com/pages/bathtreats.html
Ok...I'll leave it there today - back to work for me :) Jude xox